5 Podcasts That Will Inspire You to Be Your Best

I look to be inspired everyday. I look for it in books, nature, and animals, from my peers, in blog posts, sidewalk chalk art, YouTube videos, smiles from the barista, the stars, favorite quotes, documentaries, and PODCASTS.

For now, let's talk about podcasts. I love podcasts. We are in the Information Age and there is just so much we can learn...for FREE. I listen to them when I am working out, doing laundry, washing the dishes... all cleaning actually, driving, showering, and if it is one I am really into, I leave my headphones on while I am at the grocery store. I know, I know, it is also important to be fully present but sometimes I need that motivational lift. Having the world's top performers speaking into your ears is such a treat!

Prepare to grow your brain.

Mindvalley Podcast: This podcast covers "everything that actually matters most in life: relationships, health, finances, mindset and wellbeing." The founder, Vishen Lakhiani, brings in the world’s best teachers, and his site is a powerful learning platform.  Every episode gives you real tools you can begin using in your life right now.  

-Favorite to start with: How to Double Your Learning Speed with Jim Qwik

School of Greatness: Lewis Howes asks what makes people great to some of the top performers in the world. Some of my favorite guests include Joe Dispenza, Ramit Sethi, Brene Brown, & Mathew Hussey.

-Favorite to start with: How to Hack Your Mind (and Heart) to Change Your Life

The Tim Ferris Show: I am a big fan of efficiency, so when Tim Ferris, author of The Four Hour Work Week, came out with his podcast I was all about it. He "deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics, tools, and routines you can use. This includes favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more." His description pretty much sums it up best so...

-Favorites to start with: Becoming the Best Version of You

Spiritual Asshole: If you feel like laughing while exploring your spiritual side, check this one out! Comedian Brendan Fitzgibbons "takes a deep, manbun-free dive into all facets of modern spirituality with guests from the TV and professionals who know things. Covering everything from yoga, meditation, astrology, relationships, drugs, sex, music, oneness, enlightenment, the afterlife, baby Yoda, old Yoda, angry teenage Yoda, the podcast gets to the core of what's truly spiritual and what's just an asshole." Bonus? I have been a guest a few times, listen to us here!

-Favorite to Start with: Fengshui Your Life

Where Should We Begin: If you have ever been in any relationship of any kind, I hope you are familiar with the work of Esther Perel.  She is THE expert in modern relationships as far as I'm concerned and learning from her will change your life. Her first podcast Where Should We Begin? allows you to listen in on real couples as they "anonymously bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their story" in a therapy session with Esther. She offers insight and wisdom without judgement. Every time I listen to an episode, no matter the exact circumstance of the couple in the session, it makes me reflect on my own relationships and how I can be a more compassionate person in them. AND GUESS WHAT? She has a new season out called How's Work? exploring work relationship dynamics as well. Sign me up! (I also highly suggest checking out her TED Talks)

-Favorite to Start with: You Can Be Right or You can Be Married

Also worth a listen: Impact TheoryOptimal Living DailyYou Made it Weird.


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