Now Is The Time To Pursue Your Incredible Life

The pandemic has thrown many of us out of our comfort zone, myself included. Our typical routines have been disrupted, we are spending more time at home, for many of us our work is different or we are out of work, and there is a lot of fear in the air. These changes are bringing up many different feelings for us, anxiety, frustration, reflection, sadness, depression, boredom, and more. However, I do think this is an opportunity for incredible growth for all of us. Recently, every time I experience uncomfortable feelings, or I begin to miss parts of my “former life”, I remind myself of this quote:

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.” – John Assaraf

We are all now living in a time of uncertainty and it has thrown almost every one of us out of our comfort zone. When we are living in routine, we can become unconscious, it easier to push down our feelings and just get on with the day. When we are thrown out of that routine, it is gives us some space to think about what we really want for ourselves. Ask yourself: What do I want to experience during this time? What do I want to experience in my life? What do I want to learn? How can I use this time to become the best version of myself? How can I use this time to contribute to the world? What if everything I think is negative is actually pushing me towards an even more joy filled life?  Do I even want the life I used to live back after this is over?

It is an ideal time to reflect and reevaluate, pursue our passions, and find balance in ourselves. Consider giving yourself a mini-retreat to help you to tune in and help you find true fulfillment in this one precious life of yours.

At Home Mini-Retreat Ideas


Journal about the questions above

Light a candle, enjoy a warm epsom salt bath, and listen to soothing music

Yoga and Gentle stretching

Walks Outside

Inspirational Reading

Write about your perfect day

Watch the Sunrise

Watch the Sunset

Imagine Your Happy Place

Join Quietly Listening on Weds Evenings

Use a face mask or just put cucumber slices over your eyes

Try new healthy recipes

Make a gratitude list

Write letters to loved ones

Drink Detox Drinks

If you are looking to for one-on-one support to once and for all release the fear and create a life you love full of passion, vitality, and purpose contact me today at


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