What Really Matters
“Life is short. Focus on what matters and let go of what doesn’t.” -Unknown
The year 2020 keeps sending us reminders to pay attention to what really matters. We are reminded that our health and the health of our loved ones is one of our greatest assets. Isolated from family, friends, and other loved ones, we are reminded how dear they are to us and how important these relationships are to our happiness and sense of connection. We are reminded how lucky we are to know them, to have them here on this earth with us, and to get to see them.
We are reminded to reach out. (Remind someone you love how much they matter with a text, phone call, FaceTime, e-mail, or handwritten note or card.)
The hate, fear, and anger we have seen remind us of the importance of kindness and compassion. We are reminded to support one another.
We are reminded to be grateful for life.
We are reminded that most things aren't certain or guaranteed. We are reminded that we never know what tomorrow will bring, no matter how explicit our plans. We are reminded to hope for the best but be prepared for the unexpected. We are reminded to be thankful for THIS MOMENT and to be present.
We are reminded of the things that matter.
So, what'll it be? What matters to you? Are you focusing your energy and attention there? What needs to change?
Reflecting on what matters to you, your life's purpose, should start today, and never stop. How can you make today matter? Or maybe even this moment? For yourself? For a loved one? For a stranger? For the world?
What is this incredible year, 2020, reminding you to focus on?
Would love to hear from you: How has 2020 reminded you or helped you re-focus on what truly matters?
Please share with anyone you think could use a little inspiration today.